About Me

Pronouns: Mads/They; Honorific MX.


Supporting people has always been my jam. As the oldest of 4 siblings I learned from a young age how to lovingly guide, hold space, and give care. 

I spent many years as an artist and crafter and as a manager of small businesses. I was doing work that I enjoyed, but that didn’t feel like the right path. After the 2016 election I was inspired to find work that would bring good into the world and also align with my interests and values. As soon I set the intention, birthwork entered my sphere through a neighbor planning a home birth. I hadn’t known what a doula was or that I could work in the field of birth without being an OBGYN. I quickly jumped into doula training and the science classes needed to apply to midwifery school (credits from my BFA in painting didn’t transfer!).

I quickly learned that many of the skills and values I would draw from in supporting individuals and families were already within me. My growth as a provider of care has been nurtured and fortified by the varied trainings, workshops, mentorships, relationships, institutional education, and certifications I have 

I have been so nourished by this work, specifically in helping others identify their needs, find their voice, and stay grounded in their experience. 

Read some kind words and testimonials from clients here.

Read about the precautions I take for Covid-19 here.


Supporting people has always been my jam. As the oldest of 4 siblings I learned from a young age how to lovingly guide, hold space, and give care. 


I have trained for Birth and Postpartum Support with Carriage House Birth and Birdsong Brooklyn, and Abortion and Loss support with Full-Spectrum Doula Circle, and additional Full Spectrum Doula training with Birthing Advocacy Doula Training.

I am a Registered Nurse with a Masters in Nursing from Columbia University, and am currently training to be an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

Outside of doula work and studying to become a midwife, I am nourished by dancing, crafts (especially costumes), and cuddling with my cats.


Community Support and Reparations

As one part of my commitment to justice and to wealth redistribution, I support groups and individuals who uplift and contribute to the healing, joy, and well-being of Black communities with ongoing monthly giving, direct reparations, and mutual aid. 

Currently Supporting with Ongoing Monthly Contributions:

Black Trans Lives Thrive - a giving circle supporting nonprofits run by and for Black Trans Leaders, supporting a new nonprofit each quarter. Members donate at least $25 each month.

Freedom Side School - a free elementary school being founded in Philadelphia, grounded in abolitionist values for a mixed-age group of children who are directly impacted by mass incarceration.

Sex Workers Outreach Project - a national social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of sex workers and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy